I always believed that there is not much difference between prostitution and IT Services. I have tabulated my observations in the table below. Guys this does not hold good for every one, so please do not get offended. If u do get offended i don't give a fuck.
Trait | Prostitution | IT Services |
Body part sold | we all know, no need to mention | Suppose to be brain |
Initial Selling | Does loads of show and dance.What you see is what you get. | Lots of dancing. Only best of the lot is showcased. Not necessary you get the same. |
Pricing | Loves T&M (Time and Material). For people from non IT background-This means you pay hourly. Does not reduce her rates based on the clients ability to pay. Bulk Discount offered(maybe). Fixed Bid works | Same here Fixed bid is always risky |
Customer Satisfaction | Doesn't give a shit | some do, most don't |
Gives options for clients to save money | not at all | most of them don't. They think if they do that they will run out of business |
Change in requirements | I guess will not be acceptable. Lets say you get her saying one person will screw her and suddenly 2 or 3 people try to do that,she will have objections, surely about billing and has to do Impact analysis. There are other change in requirements but lets keep it simple. If it is T&M some might not have problem and some might. | Same here. I guess in T&M motto is to "embrace change" as it generates more revenue. |
Billing | I think will have ethics. I am not sure, would she take money, even if the customer doesn't screw her. | What can i say, you guys decide. |
Risk Management | Pregnancy/Cops/Diseases etc.. Don't know what they do... really. | Scope Management, Escalation Procedure, Impact Analysis.. what not. End of the day situation is same. |
When shit hits the roof | Say you end up getting AIDS(hahahha), I am sure you will not find the same prostitute. Even if you do manage to find her, she will blame the condom you used (if you did). Say she accepts it, nothing much you can do. | Same here, if the software doesn't work, or has bugs. Blame Requirements. If there is no outstanding invoice, you are shit out of luck. |
Highest Bidder Wins | If she has 2 options, i am sure she would choose the one who pays most | If you have 2 offers from Services company, which one will you choose? |
I might be way off in my observation about prostitutes as i do not have much experience there. What the heck? Vatsyayana wrote kaama sutra just by living with prostitutes. I don't know if its true, i read somewhere that he never experienced real sex himself. I have very less experience in IT Services industry as well, but i have seen them. Rest is left for you guys to decide and comment. I am trying to answer the question “Is prostitution bad for Society?” It would be awesome if a real prostitute (you know what i mean) finds this blog and comments.
Sorry for the table formatting guys, that's the best i could do on blogger. Publishing this has been real hard work....