My Journey of Job Hunt
For the first time in 10 years I have been asked by an organization to leave. Owner of the startup that I am working for does not want to spend money on product development. He has decided to close the
I went to a company in Diamond District (they have some asset management product)
Interviewer (I): What would you do if you are stuck in a forest with flat tires and do not have spare, with your family
Me (M): my daughter has super natural power of fixing flat tires, she will fix it and I will move on
He got offended; I told him hypothetical answer for a hypothetical question. I really can’t understand what this idiot was trying to measure, if he was trying to measure how I would react to an unplanned event, i think I faired well.
Next Question
I: how many maruti zens are there in
M: If you are trying to measure my presence of mind I can give you any number and you would not be able to do anything about it.
I: give a number
M: 100,281
I: how did you come out with that number?
M: fact that you can’t validate it/debate about it sitting in this room
He was again offended; I don’t see what was wrong in my answer. All these F**** can’t accept blunt answers for their stupid questions.
I met VP engineering of company called DumbObjects (Not the actual name, I don’t want to hurt core values of dumb people), below are some of the conversations
I: 15 days before the delivery of the project, architect (Key person) resigns, what will you do?
M: 15 days before the release if your project requires architects then you are in much deeper shit than him resigning (hahahaha).
I: I want to know how you would handle it
M: I will try to find out the reason for him to leave, if there is anything as an organization we can do then I will try else I will plan a smooth transition and let him go.
I: How many people have you fired?
M: I don’t have the count
M: I asked him what he would do in the same situation
I: it depends; I would probably convince him not to leave
M: That means you have an employee who has no clue what he wants or you are so charismatic that you can convince him. One of them has to be true; I don’t think the latter is true.
Obviously VP did not hire me, reason they gave was that they were not happy about some of the blogs that I had written. I told him; neither do I want to work for some hypocritical bastards. I asked him one question; let’s say I write an article about a social issue and you have a different stand about the same, you will not hire me? He did not have any answer.
It’s beyond my comprehension what all these morons are looking for in a person when they are interviewing. The very fuckin mentality that they are doing a favor by giving job to some one leads to such stupidity. After coming back to